Disaster damaged government primary schools rebuilt by CII Foundation at Mulya and Bagwan handed over to the State Government
CII Foundationhanded over two of the newly re-constructed, disaster damaged schools as part of its Uttarakhand Disaster Rehabilitation Initiative, to the State Government, in block Devprayag to the State Government.
Reconstruction of PS Mulya has been supported by DCM Shriram; Indo Asian and Legrand have supported the reconstruction of PS Bagwan, along with other donors. On the occasion, solar lamps, donated by Arjuna Awardee Mr Anirban Lahiriwere distributed to the students of the school.
Elaborating on CII Foundation’s Project Rebuilding Schools, under its Uttarakhand Disaster Rehabilitation Initiative, Mr Prashant Mahadik, Chairman CII Uttarakhand State Council said that CII Foundation has undertaken to rebuild eight disaster damaged government primary and upper primary schools in District Tehri Garhwal. These schools are being rebuilt as model schools, with focus on both physical infrastructure and softer interventions to enhance the learning in these schools.
In terms of physical infrastructure, each school has an academic block comprising of classrooms and principal’s room; kitchen block with kitchen, store and wash area; toilet block with separate toilets for girls and boys. Kitchens have been fitted with chimneys and rain water collection systems have been installed in the school premises. The schools have been provided furniture for students, faculty and principal.
Dwelling upon the softer interventions, Mr Suresh Redhu, Vice Chairman CII Uttarakhand State Council said that a three year intervention – Project Muskaan is being initiated jointly by CII Foundation and Jubilant Bhartia Foundation. The focus of the project is to improve the learning environment, sustain interest of the students to attend school thereby reducing the dropout rates, and to strengthen the quality of education. The activities would include teacher training, curriculum enhancement, bringing in community engagement and a host of intervention aimed at enhancing enrolment & motivating students to continue their education post school education.
Sharing CII’s larger perspective on CSR, Ms Vibha Malhotra, Director & Head CII Uttarakhand State Officesaid thatin addition to working for industryCII sees itself as playing an important role in nation building. She added that CII takes its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) role very seriously, hence when disaster struck Uttarakhand in June 2013, CII Foundation immediately swung into action with relief efforts. The rehabilitation work continues focussing on school education, employment oriented skill development and community based livelihood initiatives, she added.