Early Childhood Education

The early years of a child’s life are critical. These years determine child’s survival and thriving in life, and lay the foundations for her/ his learning and holistic development. Multiple researches have demonstrated that maximum brain development occurs between the ages of 0-5 and that quality early childhood education (ECE) is critical in determining a child’s life outcomes in terms of health and income levels. CII Foundation is working in partnership with the State Governments and seeking industry support in creating model Anganwadi Centres across the country. CII Foundation is primarily focusing on strengthening ECE at Anganwadi Centres through policy advocacy and project implementation.
J&K, Karnataka &
Impacting the lives of
over 21,000 children

Key Components of the Program

Anganwadi buildings have traditionally been conceived and treated merely as brick and mortar structures. The interface between building design and teaching has received scant attention, and the possibility of using the physical space as a learning resource only sporadically explored. CII Foundation will leverage Building as Learning Aid, or BaLA as it is popularly known, in transforming the infrastructure to create learning spaces in Anganwadis- the floors, walls, doors, windows, pillars, corridors, the outdoor spaces and the natural environment- as learning resources.


The Foundation will support implementation of the age appropriate and gender neutral curriculum and content for the Anganwadi centres. Innovative multimedia tools, books, films and, engaging & educational games will be utilized to improve learning.


While the curriculum and content can be set in place, it is important that we monitor mechanisms and parameters to track the learning outcomes in children. To ensure adherence to quality standards, CII Foundation will develop comprehensive easy-to-use tools for monitoring and evaluation of Anganwadi centres and capture child level learning outcomes.


The focus of most of the Anganwadi workers is towards monitoring and ensuring the health and well-being of children. With the shift in focus towards education, it is essential that the workers are equipped with right skill set to groom and engage the young minds. CII Foundation will provide frequent training and workshops to Anganwadi workers. The training will include early identification of disabilities and establishing linkages with relevant institutions.


The Foundation will engage the community, especially the parents to ensure that they play a more informed and active role in their children's development and education from their early years. The protective systems such as nurturing parents, quality caregiving, safe home and neighborhood, and supportive social networks help children to thrive and become responsible citizens. Involving communities, especially mothers in the implementation and monitoring of ICDS can be used to mobilize additional resources in the anganwadi centers, improve quality of service delivery, and increase accountability in the system.

Our Key Supporters


Implementing Partners

For more details, please contact :
Shivani Kumar : Shivani.kumar@cii.in